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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Walk for Hunger photos!

Yesterday, my wife and I did the Walk for Hunger. Click on any of the images for a larger version.

We got up at the crack of dawn and took the pike into town.

We parked the car and registered at the Boston Common. When you get up this early, the crowd is pretty small. 43,000 people did the walk yesterday.

We walked down Comm Ave and saw some dogs.
We saw metal dogs. See the ball?

MONEYWe saw big French dogs!

MONEYThen we walked under Mass Ave.

MONEYSome chipper volunteers guided us through Kenmore square...

MONEY...past Fenway Park.

MONEYWe ran into a friend from Berklee!

MONEYNear Boston College, we saw some geese.

MONEYAll along the 20 mile walk there were signs teaching us about hunger...

MONEY...about ouch...

MONEY...and about Soylent Green.

MONEYI never did figure out what "sunscree" was.

MONEYBut I always knew how far we had traveled.

MONEYThis sign was at about mile 10, the halfway point. If the "It" he was referring to was "walked half way", then he spoke the truth! Hard to argue with a pointer like this, regardless.

MONEYSoon after, the trail leads to the Charles river, where Harvard and MIT teams practiced rowing.

MONEYThe views of downtown Boston were amazing, even in cloudy, windy weather.

MONEYAlong the Charles River, there is a place where water fowl rule!

MONEYIt never rained, despite the dark clouds.

MONEYWe approached the Mass Ave bridge and prepared to cross it.

MONEYOnce across the bridge, we were in the home stretch.

MONEYBack down Comm Ave, we passed statue after statue.
I was jealous of this guy, and ready to sit down!

MONEYNear the end, the sun started to break through.

MONEYWe could see the finish line. Where did all these people come from? (cheaters!)

MONEYAt each checkpoint, we got a mark or stamp.

And in the end, we made it. There were 43,000 walkers
and together we raised over $3.3 million!

MONEYUntil next year...