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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why we save...

Back when I first started putting together list of tips for living below your means, a wylie reader commented to me that one way to save money was to not give to your local public radio station. money

While I must give props for factuality- you will have more money in savings if you do not give any of it away- I must take the props away because this suggestion is evil. money

And by evil I mean 'not good.' money

I do not mean to suggest that it is evil to not give to public radio. This tip was inspired by marketing almost as annoying as a head on commercial. And bad marketing is worthy of lengthy criticism. Whether or not you give to public radio specifically is up to you. Whether or not you give at all is a different issue altogether. money

MFJ over at myfinancialjourney wrote a very nice post about the fine line of frugality- specifically in regards to giving. And whether or not you have- or think you have- enough money to give some away, you also have time, sweat, and support that you can give. money

So I would be ok with suggesting that one way to save is to find a charity you want to support and volunteer if you cannot afford to give cash. But if you can afford to give money, where should you give? money

Beats me- that is up to you. money

But I am going to list some organizations my wife and I have given to and invite you to share ideas too. If you have suggestions please add a comment on this post or send me an email at wyliemoney at gmail dot com and I will add them to this list. money

Health/Quality of Life

Arts and Entertainment
Hunger and Housing
Disaster Relief