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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Check you Credit Report for free

If you are a legal US resident, you are entitled to one free credit report every 12 months. December stirkes me as a good time to make sure my credit information is accurate. money

If you search around for the site to check your credit report, you will find dozens of sites with similar names that will let you check your credit report. Many will force you to sign up for a service that is not free after one month to then lead you to your 'free' credit report. How this is legal is beyond me. money

This site will allow you to check you credit reports with Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian, for FREE. Of course each of these companies will attempt to sell you things- like your credit score, and extra credit protection, etc- but you can view your reports, online for free, without paying a cent by declining the offers. money

Here is the site:

https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp money