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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Giving: Walk for hunger

Wylie walks for Hunger! Click here to donate.

On May 6th, 2007 I will be participating in the Walk for Hunger in Boston. My wife has been participating for a while and got me hooked when we met and we have done it together each Spring. It has become a seasonal tradition- when we get up early Sunday morning and head down to the Boston Common, we know that spring has finally arrived.

I have not done much to try and raise money in years past and have been content to just make a donation myself, but a friend who walked last year created a page on the Walk for Hunger site and asked for donations. The great thing about donating this way was I could do it online with a credit card and I got an email right away with all the information I needed to write it off my 2006 taxes! The great thing about raising money this way is I do not have to collect checks or ask for folks to pledge and then track down money later.

So this year I signed myself up with a Walk for Hunger web site and am asking Wyliemoney readers looking for a charity to make donation to Project Bread is support of team Wyliemoney. You can give as little or as much as you like and you can donate anonymously if you prefer.

If you want to give, just click here, and find a credit card that will give you cash back, airline miles, or donate to a different charity (yes there are cards that do that too!).

That way you do not have to worry about me pocketing your donations and turning my hypothetical portfolio into a dream come true!

If you do not have money to donate now, or even if you do, please forward this to friends or family who might be willing to donate!

When I do the walk, I will take some pictures and report back about the day.